(Please note: the following blog was originally posted on my old blog
Why Yes I Am Quite Random, Why Do You Ask?, a blog I can no longer
access for some unknown reason. This is being put at the start of
each blog I'm uploading, in case anyone comes across the blog and
accuses me of plagiarism. This is explained further in my
introduction blog.
The following was originally posted on Thursday, November 24th, 2011 at 4:41 pm )
While we in Australia don't celebrate
Thanksgiving (unless you're an American citizen who migrated to
Australia), that doesn't mean I don't have a list the length of a
skyscraper of things I am thankful for. While I could take up all
your time and list them all (even the short version I could set to
Billy Joel's We Didn't Start The Fire and it would still leave a lot
out), I'm going to list some of the biggest things I am thankful for,
be they small things like entertainment that has gotten me through
tough times or bigger things. And with that, let us begin:
*I am thankful for the creation of some
of my favourite foods and beverages, like meatloaf, chicken
parmigiana, lasagna, meatballs, pizza, mashed potato, chocolate,
strawberry milk and most pineapple flavoured drinks (curiously, I do
not thank pineapples themselves, can't stand pineapple on a pizza)
*I am thankful for the music of artists
like Queen, Muse, Powderfinger, Alanis Morrisette, Pink, Weird Al
Yankovic, Madonna (yes, you read that right), Hall and Oates, Huey
Lewis and The News, U2, Eminem, Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, Linkin
Park, Green Day, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Metallica, Kasey
Chambers, Jewel, Rihanna, R.E.M, Coldplay, Radiohead, Garbage and
many more, for lifting my spirits or giving me something new to think
*I am thankful that movies exist,
especially with gems like A Clockwork Orange, The Silence Of The
Lambs, Chasing Amy, The Dark Knight, the Back To The Future trilogy,
the Evil Dead trilogy, the Monty Python films, the Marvel
"Movieverse", the Harry Potter adaptations, the rest of
Christopher Nolan's filmography (save for Following, which I still
need to see) and many, many more for telling wonderful stories and
inspiring me to get into writing (as well as the books I've read. On
that subject...)
*I am thankful for fantastic books like
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, the Harry Potter series, the Red
Dwarf tie-ins, Thomas Harris' Hannibal Lecter series (maybe not
Hannibal Rising though), the Darwin Awards series, Friendly Fire by
Wil Anderson, Stupid White Men by Michael Moore but most of all, the
works of Stephen King (in particular, The Shining, Gerald's Game,
Firestarter, Nightmares And Dreamscapes, The Dark Tower series, Bag
Of Bones, The Bachman Books and Danse Macabre). I thank all of these
for filling me with all sorts of wonderful information and amusing
anecdotes and for getting my creative gears going
*For the same reasons, I thank Bob Kane
and Bill finger for the creation of Batman and Dick Grayson, Stan Lee
and Steve Ditko for Spider-Man, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster for
Superman, William Moulton Marston for Wonder Woman and Joe Kelly and
Fabian Nicieza for injecting Deadpool with his lovable personality
(not Rob Liefeld though, he sucks at drawing). I am also thankful for
stories like Y: The Last Man, Watchmen, Scott Pilgrim, Identity
Crisis and the creators of each, as well as the concepts and
characters of the Green Lantern Corps, nearly all of Batman's
supporting cast and villains and the creators and companies of each.
Oh and Dark Horse for publishing the Buffy The Vampire Slayer
follow-ups to the show. On that note, I'd like to thank Joss Whedon
for his creations, for the wonderful worlds he's created and for
taking on The Avengers adaptation, I'm sure it'll be a marvelous (pun
intended) day
*To prevent this from getting long,
I'll just do another two paragraphs after this but this will sum up
everything I miss, whether it be the video games, characters and
publishers I'm thankful for (like Nintendo and the Mario franchise),
the TV shows I've spent countless hours engrossed in (the Law And
Order franchise, Red Dwarf, M*A*S*H, How I Met Your Mother) and all
sorts of things I'm likely to forget. Now, on to the two most
important dedications
*I am very thankful for the existence
of That Guy With The Glasses (www.thatguywiththeglasses.com)
and the contributors who lifted me out of a state of depression
almost a year and a half ago, with their hilarious videos. They are a
huge inspiration to me, since they are regular people who just happen
to pick apart things we know and get adoration for it. Those I'd like
to thank especially are Doug (The Nostalgia Critic and others) and
Rob Walker, Lindsey Ellis (The Nostalgia Chick), Noah Antwiller (The
Spoony One and others) but most of all, Lewis Lovhaug (Linkara and
others) and his girlfriend, Iron Liz (you can visit them on http://atopfourthwall.blogspot.com.au/).
They gave me a new lease on life and I hope to achieve my new
ambition sometime within the next two-three years.
*But the people I am most thankful for
are my friends and family. I know for a fact I would not be here
today, or be who I am, without these people in my life. It's almost
like they descended into Hell to pluck me out, no questions asked.
And I would do it for them a hundred times over. I'm not going to
name each and every person because I know for damn sure I would
forget someone. But they are special to me. While I don't say this
often enough, or even at all in some cases, but for any of my friends
and family reading this, I'd just like to say this: I love all of
you. And I thank each and everyone of you for the way you've shaped
my life in the past, the way you're shaping it now, and the ways you
will shape it. And it's something I want you to never forget.
Well, I could go on all day but I
imagine some of you have delicious Thanksgiving food going cold.
Thank you for reading. Now go enjoy your turkey, your turducken, your
turturkeykey, whatever you have, enjoy, stay safe and best wishes!
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