(Please note: the following blog was originally posted on my old blog
Why Yes I Am Quite Random, Why Do You Ask?, a blog I can no longer
access for some unknown reason. This is being put at the start of
each blog I'm uploading, in case anyone comes across the blog and
accuses me of plagiarism. This is explained further in my
introduction blog.
The following was originally posted on Saturday, December 31st, 2011 at 6:56 pm )
Happy New Year to all my blog readers
(at this point, both of you)! Well, 2011 has drawn to a close and the
new year has begun.
The end of the year is usually seen as
a time for reflection and consideration of what we want next year,
almost like a tally of pros and cons and gearing up for the next
possible pros and cons for the coming year (maybe whoever's in charge
of fireworks and such down here could reconsider the budget. Do we
really need to spend millions each year on loud flashy things that
people forget about within the next twenty-four hours, or quicker if
they're drunk, when the money could go to more important things? No,
scratch that, ACTUAL important things? And let's not forget how many
pets often go missing when they hear fireworks. Granted, that's
partly the fault of people being careless/distracted by all the
pretty colours and such but not everyone is so stupid to forget their
pets but the pets still get out anyway).
When we look at this year, what exactly
do we see? Well, of course the biggest thing 2011 will be remembered
for is perhaps being the year that evil took a huge blow. Namely,
with the deaths of Osama Bin Laden, Muammar Gaddafi and Kim Jong-il.
Now, this may be bordering on controversial depending on which part
of the world you live in, but I'd say that's a pretty good effort
(and in Bin Laden's case, well overdue. Oh well, better late than
never I suppose). The great thing is, it's going to be hard to argue
that I'm wrong or out of line because, much like trying to defend
Hitler, the atrocities they committed or the ones done in their name
will always outweigh any redeeming factors they may have had, if they
even had any at all.
On a related note, this year marked the
end of the War On Terror (that name makes no sense to me. You can't
call war on a concept. Unless Terror now has personification. Maybe
the next war will be something like the War On Ambivalence. Or the
War On Apathy, if they can be bothered or whatever). Ten years but
finally, it's over. Well, as over as it can be. I mean, war doesn't
exactly clean up neatly does it? Lots of rebuilding to be done and
all that. But at least, the families of everyone serving overseas
will have their loved ones back where they belong.
I want to make something clear, too: I
am not anti-war. I am, however, anti-stupid and that's largely what
this war was. Well, the motivations and such behind it, since I doubt
it would have taken ten years to find one man. Anyway, that's all I'm
saying about the war. About being anti-stupid, I don't mean stupid
like Gilligan stupid, where people are book dumb and not too bright
but have big hearts and good personalities, I mean Paris Hilton
stupid, where the arrogance and self-serving attitude outweigh any
such notions of good traits. And I say this as someone who doesn't
regard themselves as highly intelligent. Or intelligent in general, I
just know big words and copious (see, there I go again )amounts of
pop culture.
So, let's move on from the general
debate starters (probably for the best since I don't recall any of
the other big things that impacted the world this year) and move on
to personal reflection. How did this year stack up for me? Well, I
can sum it up in one sentence: a lot better than 2010 for damn sure!
And for reasons I won't go into, either. Suffice it to say, 2010
wasn't my best year but I turned my life around in 2011 and came to
an epiphany, due partly to the support network I have of my many
friends and family members (and I thank each and every one of them
for everything they have done and will do). Do I think 2012 will be
better for me? As surprising as this may sound coming from me, yes.
Yes, I think 2012 will be better for me. Now, 2011 didn't suck
entirely (I mean, 365 days in a year, some things are bound to go
wrong, right?) as I got through it without a hospital trip this time
(long story, involves the unmentionable from 2010), no one I knew
passed away, I've begun training for a management program through my
job and overall, I've felt better about myself than I ever have in my
life. I still have doubts about myself, and a lot of things I have to
work on and overcome, but for the first time in my life, I think I'm
truly happy.
But what do I hope for 2012? Well, I'm
not expecting the world to end, like those Mayan prophecies are
suggesting (I still hold the belief that the apocalypse will be by
our own hand, like nuclear war or America elects one of those Jersey
Shore sacks of crap as president. Seriously, I think that could
happen. And that thought scares me a lot.) and I suspect that once
again, every other prophecy about the world's demise will be
retooled, with a hasty “What we MEANT to say was July 19th...
2013! See, the 3 looked like a 2 so we're totally right! Obey our
Lord who may or may not hate you for reasons we describe in poor
detail and change when we can't have our way! Oh and give us money so
we can continue conning you!”
No, I expect we'll carry on as usual,
as we do. Though hopefully we'll work out new cures for various
diseases, maybe even AIDS. And hopefully, we'll smarten ourselves up
a bit, myself included.
To end on a light note, what does a pop
culture junkie like me look forward to this year in those terms?
Well, let's break it down:
- Australia will finally get a DVD release of The Walking Dead, Season 1, so I look forward to that
- Stephen King has a new addition to The Dark Tower series, entitled The Wind Through The Keyhole (and if we're lucky, Doctor Sleep will see a release date of later this year)
- While I have been picking up and enjoying some of the New 52 from DC, this year will see the relaunch of a title I eagerly await: Batman Incorporated (hopefully there's a trade of the first few issues, the ones that lead to Batwing, who has his own title)
- Since I recently got a 3DS, I have been waiting for a bigger game library, even though some of the current titles don't look that bad, like the new Resident Evil game and I am having fun with Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7. That being said, bring on Kid Icarus: Uprising and Luigi's Mansion 2! Also, can't wait for Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes and I'm interested in the upcoming Wii U.
- Movies, however, remain a big drawcard. Especially this year with stuff like Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows (not too long before its out here and I will be doing a blog on it), The Avengers (duh!), The Dark Knight Rises (double duh!), The Dark Knight Returns (great year for Batman), Justice League: Doom (Batman appears yet again), Superman Vs. The Elite, The Amazing Spider-Man, Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance, Skyfall, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, J. Edgar, One For The Money, The Cabin In The Woods, Prometheus and Django Unchained.
So, let us venture into that new year
and see what it holds for us. Stay safe and have a happy new year,
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