Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Here Goes Nothing

As promised last blog (after all my apologies and thank you's), here is the tribute I have created in honour of the fourth year anniversary.
I have made up the lyrics to go along with Billy Joel's song We Didn't Start The Fire. Now, if you're not a Billy Joel fan, I'm sorry for that (and here I go again). If you actually full on hate him, please note I chose this song because the format worked better for a list, like what I've done.
Now, some other things to note:

  • I've included names of personalities, producers, fans and such but if your name isn't here, it was cut due to time and such, and is not vindictive on my part (like I said last blog, there is only one person I will not support that was, key term WAS, involved with this site, and leave it at that) so please don't take it personally.
  • Some names you will notice aren't actually members of the site in any way (most notably, the guys at Cinemassacre get name checked), but because they've been involved with several videos, it only feels right to include them. Now, someone like Yahtzee, for example, hasn't had anything to do with the site (to my knowledge) so he's not here.
  • I swap between real names and character names because some are easier to rhyme. Remember, the main aim of this, besides celebrating the good folks at Channel Awesome, was to rhyme cohesively and I'd like to think I didn't entirely suck at it.
  • As to why I didn't record this myself, instead of writing it in a blog like I have, please consider the following: my tech's not that great, I'm not much of a tech head anyway and even if I could record it, I don't have the confidence to sing on camera anyway.
Now, the song doesn't quite match these lyrics perfectly. In fact, after the first verse, I considered giving up. However, I found that, with the exception of the chorus and possibly the last verse, there is one part in particular that gets close enough. So, for the purposes of this song, pretend Billy Joel's keeping time with this part the whole way bar the end and chorus:

“Beggin, Reagan, Palestine,
Terror on the airline
Ayatollah's in Iran,
Russians in Afghanistan”

Alright, I think I've covered everything. If you want to YouTube the song and try and match it up, go right ahead. If you know the song and don't want to, I'll be including the time marks for when there's silence.

OK, here we go. *Crosses fingers that this goes down well*
    *Wait 32 seconds*

Nella is a fan of Kirk
Todd thinks Chris Brown is a jerk
Tom and Mickey make quite a team
Sage just wants to hear us scream

JewWario's games come from Japan
And Linkara is a man
SYMBOLISM! Is Mat's catch phrase
CR hosts There Will Be Cake

Wait 8 seconds

Mike J with his cup of tea
Welshy is defending Pirates 3
Please get out of Spoony's Way
Critic, I did like your Let's Play

Suede is back for all to see
For Phantom fans, we have Lindsay
Iron Liz, please roll that die
While we watch the latest Coldguy

This is for Channel Awesome
A celebration across every nation
This is for Channel Awesome
And for all the fans, spread throughout the lands

Maven's a creature of the night
Angry Joe will lead the fight
Nash is screaming obscenities
Time for Film Conscience with Luke Mochrie

Sad Panda, Forget About That
But we will never forgot Lord Kat
Gamer and Goggles may have left
Under fair use, this isn't theft

Shout out to Kyle, Mike and James
Pushing Up Roses and her games
Let's go gaming with Benzaie
Before catching up with That Sci-Fi Guy

Obscurus Lupa hates Gooby
Cinema Snob covers trashy movies
Last Angry Geek has issues, too
Who hates Sucker Punch? JesuOtaku!

This is for Channel Awesome
A celebration across every nation
This is for Channel Awesome
And for all the fans, spread throughout the lands

We have a critic who covers rap
Phelous trudges through horror crap
MarzGurl covering Don Bluth
No Australians? I say strewth!

Still Gaming, the host is Lee
Diamanda tortures minions with glee
Skitch makes music for the site
Team FourStar, abridged done right

Wait 3 seconds

But Little Kuriboh is great too
Vangelus has toys for you
Read Right To Left with your host, Nik
Roo shows you how consoles tick

ChaosD1 reviews MMO's
The Gaming Den is Dena's show
Onacitizen of Brows Held High
Epic Fail with that Sean Fausz guy

This is for Channel Awesome
A celebration across every nation
This is for Channel Awesome
And for all the fans, spread throughout the lands

Invasion of Molassia
Detailed in Kickassia
Then we have Suburban Knights
Ending in an epic fight

Don't forget about the first year Brawl
Good times that were had by all
Now we're going into space
Possibly even a great big chase

Who knows what's in the years to come?
All I know is they are not done
I'll keep coming back for more
And DVD's I hope to score!

This is for Channel Awesome
A celebration across every nation
This is for Channel Awesome
And for all the fans, spread throughout the lands

Holly and Bridget keep things going strong
Bhargav, Mike, Rob, you're in this song!
Jillian, I did not forget you
And Oreo, she is so cute!

How could I forget the fans
They are such a merry band
Justin, Fran, Jesh and Chris
Jeff and Christy, you're in this!

Jada, Leo, Brian, Morgans as well
Ned, Tash, Nic and Matt are swell
Alex, Devin, Nigel and Isaac
Boy it's so hard keeping track

I'm sure that there are many more
But it's too hard to keep a score
Sorry for all forgotten (including Paw)
But the song is finished, I CAN'T NAME THEM ANYMORE!

This is for Channel Awesome
A celebration across every nation
This is for Channel Awesome
And for all the fans, spread throughout the lands

And repeat until finish

Well, that's my meager offering for Channel Awesome. If anyone from the company or fandom does end up seeing this, I hope you like it, it's my gift to you (and no, you can't return it for a melon baller). If you were offended in any way, I offer the biggest apology I can, as I do not mean to offend. If you want to comment, feel free to do so!

P.S Paw, if your followers, fellow contributors or yourself end up reading this, I didn't actually forget you, I just had that rhyme picked out early on and I liked it. Sorry, dude XD.

P.P.S For anyone who wants to point out that I have an 's' next to Morgan, that is intentional, for both the Morgans I know in the fandom.

P.P.P.S For anyone who wonders why Oreo got a name check, I offer this explanation... PUPPEH! =D And that's all I need to say.

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