So, here we are again. For new readers, welcome! Hopefully you'll find something of merit in my blog and come back. For my old readers (all... five of you?), welcome back! I guess an explanation is in order, for both old friends and newcomers...
Last year, I began a blog entitled "Why Yes I Am Quite Random, Why Do You Ask?", my first ever blog. I devoted it mostly to movie reviews but I also did blogs for holidays, video gaming ones, random rants, a few comic reviews and assorted themed blogs. I'd like to think I improved a little over time but I still have a lot to learn.
However, I recently tried to log into it and was denied access. After trying several methods of recovery, nothing has worked and it seems like my email address has been removed from the Blogger accounts, even though my work remains. I liken it to being removed from the CIA and having my records destroyed to make it look like I never worked there but all reports are kept intact. Or, to put it more simply, a ghost did the blog, who then vanished (that works on some level, somehow).
Asking for help in the forum wasn't an option, either. They have an actual limit on character usage and I always went over. Even posting the basic bloody questions in my response with as little info as possible wasn't accepted! What is this, some kind of weird Catch-22?
At any rate, even if I can change the locks and get back into my old blog, it won't matter. I mean, I'm already this far, I might as well just be prepared for a big revamp. So, for the next week, probably a bit longer than that even, I'll be putting my old blogs back up, a few posts per day each time. Not enough to overload new readers but not so few that the process takes a long time. Until they're all up, there will be no new content except for the second blog, due to the timing. I will put a note in front of each old blog, sort of like a disclaimer, stating that they are old blogs from my old site, partly as a way of explaining why you'll be seeing a Christmas blog in late Feb/early March and partly in case I get accusations of copying, which is impossible since if I'm copying anyone, it's myself. I will also use that as an opportunity to fix any mistakes in my blogs or to add stuff I might have missed the first time around.
Anyway, with that out of the way, I'll tell you a little about myself:
My name is David, I'm 25 and I live in Australia. I'm a self-confessed pop culture junkie, with interests ranging from comic books (faves include Batman, The Runaways, Scott Pilgrim, Ultimate Spider-Man and Detective Comics), TV shows (with faves such as How I Met Your Mother, House, Dexter, Angel and Red Dwarf), music (I love listening to bands like Queen, Powderfinger, U2, R.E.M and the White Stripes), books (authors I follow are Stephen King, Janet Evanovich, James Patterson, Jeffrey Deaver and Tara Moss, and many more of course), movies (high recommendations for American Psycho, Iron Man, Fight Club, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind and Juno) and video games (some of my best memories of gaming spring from GoldenEye, Mega Man 3, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Turtles In Time and Super Smash Bros. Melee).
Also, I am a HUGE fan of and to a larger extent, the reviews of Lewis Lovhaug, better known as Linkara. He reviews comic books at this site, and is a huge inspiration to me, in terms of how he comes across and of self-personal motivation. Or, to put it another way, he makes you feel like you can be proud to be yourself. As do the contributors and staff of Channel Awesome and That Guy With The Glasses within. I hope one day to meet some of these wonderful people (and hopefully keep my inner geek-fanboy on a leash) and maybe do a video show of my own. But that won't be for sometime)
I could go on but really, that's what the blog is for. I'd say I'm a nerd but nerds are smart and I'm really not that smart (if I was, I'd probably figure out how to get back into my old blog). I'm more of a geek and I'm damn proud of it. Took me long enough to get that way but here I am.
So, hopefully you enjoy the blog. After this one, I'll post the new one I was working on at the time of the "vanishing" and over time, get the rest up from my OpenOffice documents. The second blog is technically my fiftieth (fifty-first if you count this new intro) and once the other forty-eight are on this blog, I will take a short hiatus to recharge my batteries, see how the new blog works out in terms of format, lay-out and all that jazz and see where I want to go from there. After the old ones have been re-uploaded, I'll go back to a three-a-week schedule, though the days and times will be random, and sometimes there could be more in a week.
Eventually, I do want to turn this into a V-log/Vlog/however you kids today say it, as I feel it would get my feelings on certain topics out a lot easier and will be more bearable to a lot of you, rather than reading walls of text. However, then you'd have to look at me and listen to my voice. Hmmm, this is quite the conundrum... anyway, that won't be for some time.
Also, I want to give a shout-out to one of my best friends on this here mud-ball we call Earth. His name is Dave Herndon, and he is partly why I have this blog. It is thanks to his encouragement, his knowledge of blogging and his friendship that I am able to share my thoughts with a wider world. So, in gratitude, I offer the link to his blog and hope you'll check that out too:
So, for now, I hope you enjoy my ramblings, rantings and ravings. Feel free to comment!
(Oh and apologies to anyone who saw the title and expected a review of Futurama, I just like using humorous titles a lot. However, I will get to Futurama eventually. But quick thoughts: well, to borrow a joke from Bender *Paints self to look like a bumblebee* It's great, better than most shows, deal with it. Those who didn't get that, expect a lot of that from me. For those who did, hope you liked it. But in all seriousness, I love the show, so I will safely say the subject is far from over. It'll be back, baby!)
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